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Online Roundtable | How EU Space technology can support new mobility solutions: a conversation between experts

How EU Space technology can support new mobility solutions: a conversation between experts 


16  May, online

9:00 – 10:30 (CEST) | 10:00 – 11:30 (GMT+3)


The online roundtable will focus on how EU space technology can support new mobility solutions, with a particular focus on the opportunities and challenges that this presents for businesses. Selected European companies will be sharing their insights and experiences on how EU space technology can be used to drive innovation and growth in the mobility industry, as well as discussing potential challenges and opportunities for businesses operating in this space.

Our expert panel will include professionals from Israel, who will share their insights and experiences about the space and mobility sector in Israel and explore potential areas for cooperation between the EU and Israel.

The online roundtable will be by invitation only, and priority will be given to the participants attending the EcoMotion Week 2023 in Tel Aviv on 22-24 May. If you are interested in attending the online session and/or the in-person event, please send us an email at