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Webinar: Oportunidades basadas en Galileo y EGNOS (EGNSS) para México, Centroamérica y el Caribe

Oportunidades basadas en Galileo y EGNOS (EGNSS) para México, Centroamérica y el Caribe


(UTC-6): 9am-11.30am
(UTC+1 CET): 4pm-6.30pm

Vea la grabación del seminario web - Watch the webinar recording

On February 8th 2022, experts and key stakeholders came together to discuss the benefits of EGNOS and Galileo for for Mexico, Central America and Caribbean countries. The event was moderated by Carlos Rivera from Isdefe, and the EU Global Action on Space.

The webinar brought together a panel of experts from EUSPA, ENAIRE and the Mexico-based Galileo Information Centre, as well as hosting presentations from DG DEFIS and the EU Global Action on Space. Discussing Galileo, participants heard how it is entirely compatible with other positioning systems, such as the American GPS and the Russian GLONASS which may already be in use in Mexico and Central American countries. There are different areas of applications of the Galileo services, and thanks to its unique features it ensures extreme accuracy of positioning.

Experts also presented about the Galileo Search and Rescue (SAR) service, which allows to quickly locate and help people in distress, and the role of Satellite-based Augmentation Systems (SBAS). EGNOS, the European SBAS, improves the accuracy and reliability of GNSS information by correcting signal measurement errors and by providing information about the accuracy, integrity, continuity and availability of its signals. Finally, we heard about the specific benefits of EGNOS for the aviation sector, including increased safety and reduced environmental impact.

Throughout the webinar, experts highlighted the various applications and benefits of Galileo and EGNOS for Mexico, Central America and Caribbean countries, including agriculture, and land and water use management. The audience asked about the use of an SBAS, and how to increase the use of Galileo data in the region. Participants also heard about opportunities such as the Business Coaching service of the EU Global Action on Space, and the training and collaborations of the Galileo Information Centre in Mexico.

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