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Success Stories

Laying the foundation for new commercial partnerships between EU and Indo-Pacific industry ecosystems

7 December 2022

On 1 December 2022, with the support of the Czech Presidency of the Council of the EU and the European Union Agency for the Space Programme (EUSPA), the EU Global Action organised an online day dedicated to European space companies and to stakeholders from the Indo-Pacific region interested in the added value of European space-based solutions. When demand and supply of space services meet beyond borders, international cooperation in space benefit the most.

The online day on “Doing business in the Indo-Pacific: opening up new opportunities based on EU Space capabilities” consisted of four thematic webinars that maximised interaction between companies and potential end-users. Pitching companies presented their products to the audience in a traditional virtual format. In parallel, participants had the opportunity to delve into showcased products in virtual booths set up for the occasion and contact companies directly through a secure private messaging system.

The careful selection of the topics was based on the findings of our market reports, which highlight the areas with the greatest potential for partnerships between European and Indo-Pacific stakeholders. The four webinars focused respectively on:

  • Urban planning and monitoring Infrastructure
  • Smart farming
  • Water management and Ecosystems
  • Emergency management and Humanitarian aid

Participants from the Indo-Pacific region ranged from technology institutes and private companies to space agencies and ministerial departments, showing a transversal interest in EU space capabilities from a wide range of stakeholders. Pitching companies and the audience will be able to interact with each other on the virtual platform for up to six months after the online day.

Through these ad-hoc events, the European Union aims to foster and facilitate business cooperation between the European space ecosystem and the Indo-Pacific. Participating companies included representatives from both the upstream and downstream sectors: Satlantis, elittoral SLNE, SINAY SAS, LS Engenharia Geográfica, GMV, OroraTech GmbH, DIGINOVE, Hybrid-Airplane Technologies GmbH, Magellanic Space and EDDA - Efficient Humanitarian Aid through Intelligent Image Analysis

If you are a European space company wishing to enter new markets or present its products to potential customers around the world, you can apply for our free internationalisation support service.